#1 fear of patients; It’s being frozen! Patients fear the injection and the stinging sensation.

#1 fun fact;
Pain will soon be a thing of the past!

Strangely enough, pain from the injection has more to do with the local anaesthetic being injected than the needle itself. Currently, dental local anaesthetic has a pH level of about 3.9 (similar to the acidity level found in lemons and limes).

In reality, the pain and stress caused by the delivery of the anaesthetic solutions into the skin is largely attributed to this acidity;

  1. The acidity causes tissue irritation (a burning sensation) when injected into the body’s more alkaline milieu.
  2. Anaesthesia is less active when acidic which means it takes longer to take effect. It’s stressful waiting for the targeted area to numb.
The solution? Injection using a buffered solution of local anaesthetic.

Buffering means adding sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to an acidic solution in order to match the body’s pH level. Effectively, by adding sodium bicarbonate to lidocaine (the dental anaesthesia), the pH of the anaesthetic will now match the body’s pH which will allow it to easily cross the nerve membrane with no burning sensation and a much faster numbing.

Buffering local anaesthetics is a process that has been utilized by the medical community for quite some time. In dentistry, Anutra Medical is currently offering the buffered anaesthesia in the United States and is currently working with the FDA in Canada to gain approval.

Clinique Dentaire Kavanagh et Ormond will be one of the first dental clinics in Canada to offer buffered injections. Imagine pain-free*, faster and deeper anaesthesia for all patients ―even for hard to numb patients!

*As pain threshold is subjective, most patients will experience a pain-free injection and patients with a low pain threshold can expect reduced pain.

Remember; Confidence starts with a smile!

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